Problem with a credit reporting company's investigation into an existing problem
Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports
Issue |
Problem with a credit reporting company's investigation into an existing problem
Timely |
Company |
Capital For Change, Inc.
Product |
Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports
Sub Issue |
Was not notified of investigation status or results
Sub Product |
Credit reporting
Date Received |
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Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Company Public Response |
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
Complaint What Happened |
To Whom It May Concern : I have a loan with C4C for an HVAC System. The loan # is XXXX. I spoke with two people who swear up and down that it's against the law to update my credit correctly. I made ALL my payments early ... The loan amount is {$180.00}. I use online banking. When you use online banking, it saves your information and the next month it prompts you and says the last payment that was sent out and do you want to use this same information? It went from {$180.00} to {$180.00} I have no idea how that might have happened accept a typo which is a banking error since my checks started off at {$180.00} and then changed.
In XXXX through their website I sent an electronic message and asked why I was being charged a late fee. No response was sent. This could have solved everything.
Creditors have broad discretion and it is not illegal as stated by them to not mark late a payment that was short according to legislation enacted by our president.
Sometime in the course of the payment there was s typo of -XXXX cents and while these tow individuals say I received notices and say the almost identical thing word for word ... I simply did not get notices. If I were to receive a notice I would have corrected the XXXX cents difference. Let me ask a logical question ... Who pays early & then purposely shorts their loan XXXX cents? Does anyone believe that this realistic? Where is the proof these letters were sent? They have not provided me with any and simply stating an address isn't proof. When I noticed the shortage I sent XXXX cents which is more than was short so I was paid in full. I will attach all my payment history.
As far as the law, we are in the middle of a pandemic as everyone else is I am affected by this pandemic and President Trump has enacted laws stating if you pay a partial payment during this time ... you will NOT be marked late.
I paid on time, I paid early and I was XXXX cents..Which I was told they have funds and they cover people in this manner, why during the middle of a pandemic was I not covered and notified. Now my credit took a huge hit because of their deliberate actions stating the law does not allow them to do this. The law in fact states the opposite per the President of the United States emergency declarationCOVID-19 national emergency declared by President Trump on March 13, 2020. 15 U.S.C. 1681s-2 ( a ) ( 1 ) ( F ) ( i ) ( II ). and by the 15 U.S.C. 1681s-2 ( a ) ( 1 ) ( F ) ( i ) ( I ). If a furnisher makes an accommodation with respect to 1 or more payments on a credit obligation or account of a consumer, and the consumer makes the payments or is not required to make 1 or more payments pursuant to the accommodation, then the furnisher shall report the credit obligation or account as current.
I want my credit restored ASAP as per this law.
Thank You, XXXX XXXX
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent provided
Problem with a credit reporting company's investigation into an existing problem
Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports
Issue |
Problem with a credit reporting company's investigation into an existing problem
Timely |
Company |
Capital For Change, Inc.
Product |
Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports
Sub Issue |
Their investigation did not fix an error on your report
Sub Product |
Credit reporting
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Company Public Response |
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
Complaint What Happened |
Capital For Change ( XXXX XXXX, previously CHIF ) has been reporting to XXXX that I am financially responsible for a property that I have not owned since XXXX. After many years of calling, emailing, writing and filing disputes with them as well as XXXX the property is still listed on my credit report. This has negatively impacted my credit score by more than 100 points as my ex partner, XXXX XXXX XXXX missed XXXX payments back in XXXX. Although he owns the property to this day, XXXX has never reported any late payments by him to the credit bureaus or that he even owns the property.
At XXXX AM XX/XX/XXXX, I spoke with XXXX representative XXXX XXXX regarding the matter. Again, I have spoken to many people from this organization over the years to have this matter resolved. XXXX has confirmed that although XXXX received all pages of the Quitclaim Deed paperwork back in XXXX relinquishing any and all ownership that they as a company decided that I should still be held financially responsible when he made late payments a year later. Let it be also known that in the 9 years when I did own it, I never made ONE late payment. According to XXXX, this decision was made by supervisor XXXX XXXX, and XXXX XXXX XXXX. She also confirmed the receipt of the XXXX dispute and that they as a company were upholding their decision.
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent provided
Incorrect information on your report
Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports
Issue |
Incorrect information on your report
Timely |
Company |
Capital For Change, Inc.
Product |
Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports
Sub Issue |
Account status incorrect
Sub Product |
Credit reporting
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Company Public Response |
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
Consumer Consent Provided |
Trouble during payment process
Issue |
Trouble during payment process
Timely |
Company |
Capital For Change, Inc.
Product |
Sub Product |
FHA mortgage
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Company Public Response |
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
Complaint What Happened |
Company is my second mortgage serviced by.
Capital for change I made a payment of {$76.00} And was informed they could withdraw with automatic payment so the following month they withdraw the ongoing payment and keep placing miss payment for the same missed payment from the date it was missing yet taking the present month payment instead of just withdrawing the payment for the missed payment so they reported I missed 3 payment And I have since filed for bankruptcy and they never reported my discharge to credit reporting agency which its a burden to me and my family as Im since then when I see the missed payment I called and payed they said they will inform credit reporting company of the way their payment proceses payment not just keeps making it missed payment every other month when it was for a specific month The month they said they did not process was XXXX XXXX the XXXX then on for the same payment again XXXXXX/XX/XXXXXXXX the XXXX and XXXX XXXX XXXX yet they did Receive the payment for those months stated above. So its reported I missed 3 payment which is incorrect.
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent provided
Incorrect information on your report
Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports
Issue |
Incorrect information on your report
Timely |
Company |
Capital For Change, Inc.
Product |
Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports
Sub Issue |
Account information incorrect
Sub Product |
Credit reporting
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Company Public Response |
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
Complaint What Happened |
CHIF or Capital for Change is reporting incorrect information to XXXX credit bureau I have tried for months to get it corrected and am being told that info is updated but credit bureau says they are not receiving corrected info from company. First of all they had a problem which caused them not to update info for several months. Then when they finally updated info the balance was incorrect. They keep telling me they are sending correct info to bureau but bureau says when they send the info it is updated immediately. Last update was on XX/XX/2019. My balance shows {$16000.00} now but I only owe {$15000.00}. Several disputes filed to no avail. DEPT OF BANKING told me to file a complaint with you after being at a standstill with CHIF. Credit Bureau says they can not accept my statements showing correct info has to come from company via electronic transfer.
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent provided
Struggling to pay mortgage
Issue |
Struggling to pay mortgage
Timely |
Company |
Capital For Change, Inc.
Product |
Sub Product |
FHA mortgage
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Company Public Response |
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
Complaint What Happened |
In XX/XX/XXXX, I entered into a rental contract with tenants. When the pandemic hit, they continued to pay rent, but stopped when I began a serious nuisance complaint and immediate eviction action due to illegal activities on the property. They didn't pay for six months, then left before eviction mediation proceedings leaving me with thousands of dollars of damage to my rental unit. I was left to pay over {$7000.00} to get the unit ready to rent in addition to the over {$6000.00} in lost rent, I am now one month behind on my mortgage after sending the mortgage company over {$4000.00} in XX/XX/XXXX and consistently send extra money with each payment. With the late fees, and interest, I can never catch up. I was ineligible for the UniteCT program for mortgage relief as the former tenants refused to sign the paperwork. Capital for Change has continued to charge me late fees and interest throughout the pandemic, and continue to this day. I am at my wits end, and financially strapped. Why aren't there any grants to assist struggling homeowners who depend on rental income?
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent provided
Problem with the payoff process at the end of the loan
Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan
Issue |
Problem with the payoff process at the end of the loan
Timely |
Company |
Capital For Change, Inc.
Product |
Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan
Sub Product |
Installment loan
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Company Public Response |
Company believes complaint represents an opportunity for improvement to better serve consumers
Complaint What Happened |
I have a loan with this company for a furnace unit. I've paid on time for my monthly installment for the past 5 years. There was one month when the company changed from XXXX to Capital for Change or XXXX.In XX/XX/2022 I went to make my final payment on this loan, only to find out you can not pay on line and must call to speak with someone who will send you a payoff request document. This document must be filled out and returned which I did. Once I recieved my payoff notice hood until mid XXXX, I found a late fee for for the time the company had changed names and website. I asked that this fee be removed as it was their website issue and so I could payoff the loan. I was told that I had to speak with customer service on a {$20.00} fee. I have had a string of emails and phone calls without resolution. The customer service stated they would waive 1 fee and I said there was only one, I was then told there is now another fee because I did not make payment ontime. I explained to the customer servie representative I'd like to speak with their supervisor, that it was ridiculous that they are attempting to charge me another fee and unwilling to waive it when it was their system that had the error and then when I looked for resolution they took over a week to respond, only to state there was another fee.
Now I have recieved a letter threatening collections and the problem has not been resolved. I have had calls between myself and my wife to this company over the past week and their supervisor has not responded to the situation, and the employees just pick up and are either extremely rude stating you have to wait for a supervisor or hang up the call. All this aggrevation and poor customer service over a {$20.00} fee if resolved I would have paid off the loan immediately.
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent provided
Problem when making payments
Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan
Issue |
Problem when making payments
Timely |
Company |
Capital For Change, Inc.
Product |
Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan
Sub Product |
Installment loan
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Company Public Response |
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
Complaint What Happened |
I obtained a loan from Capital For Change ( C4C ) in XXXX associated with a green energy project. The loan was a {$40000.00} loan due monthly over 84 months. Over the past year I have ran into difficulty paying the bill through the online system so have utilized the phone system making several months payments at once. Since Covid-19 the phone system indicates that responses ( voicemail and emails ) may take 48 to 72 hours for response. I had made a payment for 3 months in XX/XX/XXXX brining my account current until XX/XX/XXXX. On Friday XX/XX/XXXX I realized I hadn't made my payment so attempted to call C4C however wasn't able to reach a representative ( C4C confirmed call based on call logs around XXXX Friday ). I tried logging into the online system however wasn't able to log in. The next day Saturday the XXXX I realized that C4C was closed so I reset my password online and utilized the online system. I made a payment for the month of XXXX and the month of XX/XX/XXXX. The online system indicated that they process all payments after XXXX M-F the next business day however the system did indicate that the payment was made on XX/XX/XXXX. On Tuesday I received a credit alert that I was given a 1 month late on my credit. I contacted C4C and initially spoke Ms. XXXX XXXX ( Supervisor in customer support ). XXXX indicated that they do not process payments over the weekend and that the reporting is correct for the XXXX. I later escalated the issue to Mr. XXXX XXXX ( Director of Loan Servicing ), Mr. XXXX advised that he looked into the situation confirmed my call on Friday the XXXX however declined to make any changes. I proceeded ( several emails available ) to provide documentation associated with CFR XXXX associated with Regulation Z and pavements. - A creditor shall credit a payment to the consumer 's account as of the date of receipt, except when a delay in crediting does not result in a finance or other charge or except as provided in paragraph ( b ) of this section. Mr. XXXX indicated that this does not apply to his company as they are closed on the weekends and wont process payments until the following business day. I don't feel that not accepting payments and not applying payments that are made on their website ( that show a payment date of the weekend day ) should reflect a payment date for either credit reporting nor late fees is reasonable. I also don't believe based on the official clarification of the guidelines this complies. This damage to my credit is now causing me to lose out on a refinance of my mortgage that was schedule this week.
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent provided
Improper use of your report
Credit reporting or other personal consumer reports
Issue |
Improper use of your report
Timely |
Company |
Capital For Change, Inc.
Product |
Credit reporting or other personal consumer reports
Sub Issue |
Reporting company used your report improperly
Sub Product |
Credit reporting
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Company Public Response |
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
Complaint What Happened |
I have reviewed my consumer reports and notice that I had two late payments on an account. That I was never late for the consumer reporting agencies have assumed a vital role and have a responsibility to report consumer information to the best of their ability with maximum accuracy. I have never been late on payments for the accounts I have included in the screenshot inside of this complaint showing they have reported me being 120-149 days late. Please investigate and provide proof with statements showing that these late payments were late. If proof can not be provided I demand these payments be update to paid as agreed on time as they should be because I was never late. This account is also only reporting to XXXX and not the other two credit reporting agencies, which also another inaccuracy as the information should be reported to each agency. Please see screenshot attached.
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent provided